
聖体奉仕会 地図



聖体奉仕会 巡礼・ミサ予約フォーム
Pilgrimage and Mass Reservation Form
開堂時間 9:30~11:30 & 13:00~16:00
Please complete the form below if you wish to make a reservation for pilgrimages of 13 or more people or for priests wishing to celebrate Mass at the shrine of Our Lady of Akita.
Individuals wishing to visit the shrine do not need to make reservations.
We cannot reply to emails about queries other than pilgrimages to the Chapel of Our Lady of Akita or Masses at the Chapel.
Our community Masses are not held during the shrine’s opening hours, so unfortunately pilgrims are unable to attend.
Opening Hours 9:30~11:30 & 13:00~16:00
We are closed on Wednesdays.
Please check if you are making a reservation on behalf of pilgrimages of 13 or more people.
ミサ予約の場合はチェックしてください。 If you are a Catholic priest, please check if you wish to make a reservation to celebrate Mass in the chapel.    
お申込者 Applicant Information
苗字 Last Name
名前 First Name
Eメールアドレス Email Address
国名 Your Country
電話番号 Phone Number(in Japan)
用件・メッセージ Message
グループ巡礼(13 人以上)項目
Reservation for Group Pilgrimage
13 名以上の団体はフォーム予約が必須です。
A reservation is required for a group of 13 or more people.
団体名 Group Name
責任者名 Group representative (Full name)
巡礼希望日時 Date of visit and approximate arrival time
人数 Number of people
旅行会社名 Name of travel agency (If applicable)
旅行会社住所 Address of Travel Agency
添乗員名 Name of Tour Guide
Mass Reservation
ミサ予約時間は 9:30~, 10:00~, 13:00~, 14:00~, 14:30~ の中からお選びください。
A reservation is required to celebrate private mass at our chapel.
Please select a Mass time from: 9:30, 10:00, 13:00, 14:00, 14:30
ミサ司式司祭名 Celebrant
ミサ希望日 Date of Mass
ミサ希望時間 Time of Mass
人数 Number of participants


〒010-0822 秋田市添川湯沢台1番地
電話 : 018-868-2139 / FAX : 018-868-4728